The Reverend Father Joseph Mary Gill, S.J., was the Director of the Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Patrick from 1975 until his death in 2006. Born in County Mayo in 1915, he was a student of the Servant of God Father John Sullivan, S.J., at Clongowes Wood College in County Kildare.
Sodality of Our Lady
The Prima Primaria Sodality
The Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Patrick was canonically erected in the Church of Saint Francis Xavier and aggregated to the Prima Primaria Sodality in Rome on 1st May, 1853. So what is the Prima Primaria Sodality?
Jesuit Sodalities in Dublin
The Sodality of Our Lady was first established in Ireland in 1598 by Father Henry Fitzsimon, S.J. When it was first established the people as a whole were firmly attached to the faith but defections from the faith, external conformity to Protestantism and assistance at heretical services were not unknown. The Sodality's first task was thus the revival of piety and religious practice.